May 2023
Opening up teacher input for 4th Quarter Report will require:
- Confirming the quarter dates in ‘Grades’ then ‘Report Card Input Controls’
- Changing input for the mid-quarter report from ‘Allow Input’ to ‘Input Complete’
- Changing input for the 4th quarter report cards from ‘Not Yet’ to ‘Allow Input’
- Having teachers go through the quarter report card input process
- Closing the input process by changing ‘Allow Input’ to ‘Input Complete’
- Some schools also have a ‘Semester 2’ and/or a ‘Final’ column on their report cards. If this has been set-up at your school, then you will need to open up input for those grading periods as well.
Summer Transition!
We will be turning on the Summer Transition steps later this month to help get your system wrapped up for the current year and ready for next year. Here are explanations of what your school will need to complete before the end of the summer:
- Creating a statement to appear on report cards declaring that the student will be moving forward to the next grade level
- Marking any students who will not be moving forward as ‘Not Promoted’
- Creating any new Homeroom teacher accounts
- Establishing the Homeroom teacher changes for next year
- Moving the students forward to their new homerooms and grade levels
- Assigning courses to teachers and filling those courses with students
HelpDesk is dedicated to helping make the Summer Transition an easy process and allow you more time to enjoy your summer break. Please contact HelpDesk if you have any questions about getting started. Once these steps have been completed, please notify HelpDesk so that they can move your school forward to the new school year. On the Summer Transition steps, there are a few details to note:
- After each step is a blue question mark, which are links. When you click one, the system will pull up an FAQ which will provide more information about that step.
- After some of the steps are links to a video tutorial. When you click one, the system will pull up an FAQ/video tutorial which will provide more information about that step.
- There is a button underneath the Summer Transition title, which will allow you to ‘hide’ these steps. This is helpful if you have already completed the steps or will not start on the steps until later this summer.
- The last and final step to ensure that your system is ready to operate for the 2023-2024 school year is to have HelpDesk move your forward. This requires you to contact HelpDesk so that we can verify everything has been completed and confirm with you that your school is ready to move forward.
Opening up teacher input for 3rd Trimester Report will require:
- Confirming the 3rd trimester dates in ‘Grades’ then ‘Report Card Input Controls’
- Changing input for the 3rd trimester from ‘Not Yet’ to ‘Allow Input’
- Having teachers go through the trimester report card input process
- Closing the input process by changing ‘Allow Input’ to ‘Input Complete’
Summer Transition!
We will be turning on the Summer Transition steps later this month to help get your system wrapped up for the current year and ready for next year. Here are explanations of what your school will need to complete before the end of the summer:
- Creating a statement to appear on report cards declaring that the student will be moving forward to the next grade level
- Marking any students who will not be moving forward as ‘Not Promoted’
- Creating any new Homeroom teacher accounts
- Establishing the Homeroom teacher changes for next year
- Moving the students forward to their new homerooms and grade levels
- Assigning courses to teachers and filling those courses with students
HelpDesk is dedicated to helping make the Summer Transition an easy process and allow you more time to enjoy your summer break. Please contact HelpDesk if you have any questions about getting started. Once these steps have been completed, please notify HelpDesk so that they can move your school forward to the new school year. On the Summer Transition steps, there are a few details to note:
- After each step is a blue question mark, which are links. When you click one, the system will pull up an FAQ which will provide more information about that step.
- After some of the steps are links to a video tutorial. When you click one, the system will pull up an FAQ/video tutorial which will provide more information about that step.
- There is a button underneath the Summer Transition title, which will allow you to ‘hide’ these steps. This is helpful if you have already completed the steps or will not start on the steps until later this summer.
- The last and final step to ensure that your system is ready to operate for the 2023-2024 school year is to have HelpDesk move your forward. This requires you to contact HelpDesk so that we can verify everything has been completed and confirm with you that your school is ready to move forward.
If the parents at the school have scheduled automatic online payments in FDpay, then you’ll want to get familiar with the Schedule Payments Report! You’ll be able to see who has set up automatic payments, the amounts, the frequency and to which finance accounts.
To see which parents have set up scheduled automatic payments in FDpay, you will go to Finances>Schedule Payments CSV Download.
Note – It is important to look through this report near the end of the school year to make sure that all schedule payments are ending when they need to end and not continuing through the summer erroneously.
Here are a few things to know about this report:
1.) You can check mark the option ‘Include Completed Scheduled Payments’ before clicking the report button if you want the report to include any scheduled payments that have already been completed
2.) This report will have the following information:
- Name
- Finance account
- Payment frequency
- Payment amount
- CC or ACH
- Date of 1st payment
- Date of next payment
- Payment duration
- Number of payments remaining
- Final payment amount
Even though the ReportCard from the current grading period only has the comments for that period, you are still able to view/print the comments from the whole year. Furthermore, you can print those comments as a batch print. The same is also true for attendance. Here are the steps to print an individual student’s comments:
- Go to ‘Grades’
- Click ‘View ReportCards’
- Click ‘Print’ next to the student’s name in your roster
- When their ReportCard appears, click on the word ‘Comments’
- That student’s comments for the whole year will appear on a separate screen which is printable
Here are the steps to batch print your homeroom students’ comments:
- Go to ‘Grades’
- Click ‘View ReportCards’
- Click ‘Print Whole Class Comments’ which is above the roster list
- The comments will appear (one after another) and File – Print will print them all on individual sheet
Both sets of steps can be followed for Attendance as well.
For parents, viewing a student’s attendance has never been easier! Along with the other viewable reports (grade book, report cards, missing assignments), you can also view your child’s attendance calendar!
Here are the steps for parents to view their child’s attendance calendar:
- Log into your parent account
- On the Home screen, scroll down to the options to view your child’s report cards or grade book grades
- In the column for Attendance Report, click the ‘View’ button
If your parent account does not show a View button or an Attendance Report option, then your school may not have enabled this feature. Contact your school administrators to suggest that they allow for attendance report viewing for parents.
- Can I transfer money from one account to another?
- As a parent or guardian, how can I view my child’s attendance report?
- How can I retire an inactive staff account?
Helpful FAQs from May 2022:
- How is the final grade calculated on the report card?
- How do I add a student to the system who is applying for the next school year?
- For WISEdata, what do I do at the END of the school year?
Helpful FAQs from May 2021:
Watch this video tutorial to find out more about deleting files in File Manager:
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