Let’s Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week!
National Teacher Appreciation Week is May 1-5 with Teacher Appreciation Day on Tuesday, May 2. Originally posted on April 28, 2015 My appreciation for teachers has definitely grown through the [...]
Sustainable Schools: Going Paperless
(This article was originally posted on blog.fastdir.com) With Arbor Day in April and Earth Day on the 22nd (Happy Earth Day!), I’ve been thinking about sustainable schools and going paperless. Going [...]
Earth Day – Classroom activities
(This article was originally posted on blog.fastdir.com) Below are some fun resources I created and links to other great classroom ideas for Earth Day. Looking for ways you can help take care of [...]
Implement New Tech – Make a Plan!
(This article was originally posted on blog.fastdir.com) Are you planning on implementing a new tech this summer or next year? Creating a plan which includes support for your staff and open communication [...]
Easter – Classroom activities
The NCEA conference just around the corner! Look for the FastDirect Communications booth #945! For more information on the event, visit the NCEA 2017 homepage. Below are some fun resources [...]
Q & A With Gold Star Teachers: Stephanie at Our Lady of Fatima
(This article was originally posted on blog.fastdir.com) Meet Stephanie Koch, who loves teaching middle school students “with all of their ups and downs, their keen sense of justice and humor.” Mrs. [...]
Q & A With Gold Star Teachers: Star at Sacred Heart
Star Pedron is the upbeat and energetic 5th grade teacher at Sacred Heart Catholic School in Patterson, CA. Her passion for teaching shows in her creative lesson plans, her willingness [...]
Monthly Mentions: March Newsletter
March 2017 - Rounding the corner to summer! In March, the schools on quarter schedules will be wrapping up the 3rd quarter and getting ready to start 4th quarter. [...]
Google Slides: How to add a slideshow to your BulletinBoard (teacher web page)
You can add a google slideshow to your bulletin board! Go to Google Slides and create your slideshow When you are finished, click File Click Publish to web Click Embed [...]